CareerManagement for you

Die CareerManagement CareerManagement Projects CareerManagement for you. The CareerManagement Projects Career Management CareerManagement
CareerManagement Projects CareerManagement for you.
Projects Career Management *Founded ,developed and got the Platform „The Outplacement Solution“ –Career Transition (A New Edge Productions Co.)“ and its Spanish counterpart
„Encuentra Trabajo Rapido“ an Outplacement Career Management & Transition platform on-line for a multi-billion dollar worldwide market.
*Sold through a bid with a profit increase of 35% to „The State of Utah Department of Labor“ The Outplacement and Career Management and Transition content by developing and giving engaging presentations.
*Negotiated and closed a win-win multi-year contract The Outplacement and Career Management and Transition content with a established re-seller
increasing revenue by 50% for Q4 through the solidification of a firm business and personal relationship with CEO.
*Reduced The Outplacement and Career Management and Transition content Platform development costs by 50% by assembling multiple teams specializing in
Management Consulting, Script Writing, Video and Audio Production,
Recruitment, High-End Editing, Web-Design, Database and Secure (Members-only) Portal Development through relationship building and win-win proposals.
*Achieved an agreement with multiple players in Europe to launch and market the newly created adapted version of our flagship Outplacement and Career
Management and Transition content platform The successful Job Search Center by co-developing a project that includes the use of our product.
*Reduced costs by 75% of any existing traditional Outplacement, Career Management and Transition approach by creating and developing content,
including 400 minutes of high-end audio-visual (video) content with interactive tools for a successful fast job search guarantied results
SUCCESSFUL JOB SEARCH FACTORS DVD or ON-LINE for outplacement, Career Management –Transition
New Edge Productions
Over many years of coaching in the career development area. Jeff observed that there are 21 keys that determine how fast or slow a person typically lands a new job.